Steed Talker

REIA 015 Scott Price: How to Snowball into a Large Net Worth and a Passive Income from a Small Personal Fund

Scott Price                                                                         

How to Snowball into a Large Net Worth and a Passive Income from a Small Personal Fund

Today Dr. Allen chats with Scott Price, a successful full-time real estate investor and coach who has snowballed initial small capital into an expanding portfolio of cash-flowing multifamily, office, and retail properties. Scott leads Bonvolo Real Estate Investments LLC withhis wife, Karen. Scott provides a wealth of real estate investment experience, and Karen delivers project management, property management, and accounting to ensure all operations run smoothly.  

Scott Price bought and managed his first rental property in 1994 and honed his skill sets through critical roles in various companies as a team manager, program manager, marketing manager, and even a US representative in Europe. He then later ramped up his real estate and investing work plus education starting in 2003. At that time, he became a full-time real estate broker, and in 2005 purchased his first apartment complex (29 units). From 2003-2007, he used the full-time broker status to immerse himself in real-world real estate, investing and applied education.

In today’s chat, listen to Scott’s successful real estate journey to founding his own real estate company. Explore the expertise of Scott in transition from W2 to Full Time Investor, Setting and Achieving Life Goals, etc.

3 Key Points from the episode:

  • Always think ahead to how you can leverage your existing funds to create more income and more net worth over time.
  • Understand the Pros, Cons, and Nuances of Different Real Estate Asset Classes.
  • Have your strategy and the confidence to stay with it.

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