Steed Talker

Real Estate Investing Abundance

REIA 168 Bruce Wuollet: Why do investors consistently put sponsors out of work?

Bruce Wuollet has over 20 years of experience with thousands of units bought, repositioned, and sold. The focus is on finding good deals. Passion is serving the underserved – providing them with one of their basic human needs – shelter.

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Main Points:

  • Although by tax definition, 18-24 month deals are NOT passive investments buying cashflow is. 
  • The lower middle class and upper lower class is the fastest growing demographic in the US. How are you serving them?
  • The market always goes up…until it doesn’t. How are you protected?
  • Interest rates are going up, materials are stuck in the supply chain, inflation is sky-hi, labor pool is shrinking, how are you preparing yourself?
  • Lower-income earners are getting priced out of their communities, how are you helping them?
  • We focus on the permanent resident one who may never own a home and would like to live in one. 
  • Driving slumlords out one property at a time.

Connect with Bruce:

  • Go to and click on my picture to schedule your phone call.

Biography of Bruce Wuollet:

Bruce is the founder, visionary and the current owner of Bakerson. Growing up in the bakery business in the Twin Cities in Minnesota, Bruce wanted to pay homage to his now late father; hence the name “Bakerson”. After trying his hands in a few different ventures in Minnesota, Chicago and Phoenix, he finally found his passion in real estate. He has a proven track record of success throughout Bakerson’s nearly 20 years in business with thousands of individual units bought, repositioned and sold. Bruce has overseen all aspects of the business including operations, acquisition, project leadership, equity fund management, property specific syndications, legal, finance and more. His focus is finding good deals while his passion is serving the residents by providing them with one of their basic human needs – shelter. Prior to launching Bakerson in 2002, he served on the acquisition team at a Phoenix-based real estate investment company