Yermi Kurkus is a business consultant that works with high achievers to get their so-called “impossible dream” – he is the author of For The Love of Success – Achieving The Impossible Dream. He also invests in Real Estate deals such as Short Term Rentals, ground up developments, and self-storage
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Watch the Episode here:
Main Points:
- How I managed to achieve my impossible dream
- How I got into real estate
- How I vet people that I do business with
Connect with Yermi Kurkus:
- podcast- The Exceptionally Irresistible Show
Biography of Yermi Kurkus:
Yermi Kurkus is a Business Executive Consultant who partners with business individuals and businesses to connect them with other Exceptional people and businesses. Yermi has a MA degree in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology and is now currently working toward his doctorate in that field. With over a decade of experience in high-stress environments such as prisons, Yermi has developed tools that help engage talent to perform at their optimal levels as well as assist leaders avoid burnout and create an environment that is meaningful and fulfilling. Aside from creating these systems and Exceptionally Irresistible cultures, Yermi has also facilitated over $1B of business dealswith a vetting system that connects exceptional people to do these exceptional business deals.