Chris Pomerleau, a successful real estate investor and founder of LeavenWealth , shares his journey and insights in the past two years. He discusses the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals and building a strong team. Chris emphasizes the benefits of passive investing in real estate, including the ability to generate long-term wealth and passive income. He highlights the four ways real estate investors can make money: cash flow, appreciation, depreciation, and equity paydown. Chris also explains the concept of infinite returns through refinancing and rolling money into new investments. He concludes by discussing the difference between direct syndication and fund investment.
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Main Points:
- Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and build a strong team to support your real estate investment journey.
- Passive investing in real estate allows for long-term wealth creation and passive income.
- Real estate investors can make money through cash flow, appreciation, depreciation, and equity paydown.
- Infinite returns can be achieved through refinancing and rolling money into new investments.
- Direct syndication and fund investment offer different approaches to real estate investing.
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